What we thought about...



3rd January, 2006

Seeing God articles
Faith & Reason articles
Bible Teachings articles

Practical love vs theological theory

This past year, 2005, has certainly fared no better than any previous year in the preponderance of bad, sad news over good and happy. The fact is, the world is in as parlous a state today as ever it has been. Perhaps the fear of nuclear war between East and West has subsided, but it has been replaced in the minds of many by fear of all-out conflict between Christians and Muslims. One horrifying feature of 2005 stands out starkly — the tale of human suffering brought about by natural (the Asian tsunami) and human (Zimbabwe and the Sudan) agency.

In the light of the magnitude of human misery combined with Jesus' example of doing good (Acts 10:38) and His instruction to love one's neighbor as oneself, why does Dawn to Dusk exist? After all, this site makes no direct attempt to raise funds for relief appeals and offers no earthly advice on how to make the world a more prosperous place. Nor does it actively pursue the political reforms necessary for bettering the lives of human beings — we haven't hired a hit team to assassinate Robert Mugabe, for instance! Why fiddle around with theology instead of rolling up one's sleeves and showing practical love? For the simple reason that we believe the real solution to today's ills lies in genuine spiritual reformation, and we can make a greater contribution to the common weal by pursuing this cause above all, by helping people turn to God in humble repentance and acknowledgement of His infinite goodness and glory — than by political agitation or charitable action.

Don't misunderstand; although Scripture is quite plain in showing that worldwide spiritual reform will never occur as a result of human initiative, and that the Messiah will one day return to bring about such reform, we believe that disciples of Jesus ought to do what they can to make a difference for good. We at Dawn to Dusk believe that we can do more good, with the talents we have, pursuing what we are currently doing than what we would accomplish if we joined the ranks of the millions of Christians out there at the coal face trying to make a practical difference. We applaud the practical manifestation of Christian love demonstrated by millions of such people. But we believe that wealthy people fired by a vision of the majesty and goodness of their Creator are far more likely to share their blessing with others than are those who merely believe in the value of good works. Energetic believers who are laboring to do good will go that extra mile if they have a clearer picture of the glory of their Lord. Poor people who have a vision of their Creator's glory will be far more content than those who receive the occasional handout from Christian missionaries.

We labor in questions of theology because we believe that victories in the war on error will significantly

enhance peoples' image of God, just as cleaning one's spectacles gives a clearer view of the world around. Indeed, Dawn to Dusk is committed to the conviction that humble obedience towards God, motivated by a clear vision of His infinite Wisdom and manifesting itself in adherence to His revealed laws will do more practical good than food banks and soup kitchens can do. Why do we say such a thing? Sounds a little odd, doesn't it? Well, we believe Scripture means what it says, and it says some amazing things:

Of a foreigner you may require it; but you shall give up your claim to what is owed by your brother, except when ( so that ) there may be no poor among you; for the Lord will greatly bless you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you to possess as an inheritance — only if you carefully obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe with care all these commandments which I command you today. For the Lord your God will bless you just as He promised you; you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow; you shall reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over you (Deut. 15:3-6).

How much better off the world would be if people believed God knows best and implemented His laws. Were the nations to do that, poverty would truly become a thing of the past. Yes, give starving people bread; better, spread around knowledge of the Great God's glory in the hope that it would stir up people to turn to His life-giving ways.

Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with them and with their children forever! (Deut. 5:29).

As long as the world rejects knowledge of the divine and seeks to solve its problems its own way, all its best efforts will do precious little to lift the burden of human suffering. Human efforts based on human wisdom often end up doing more harm than good:

Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones.

The greater the number of people who fear God and depart from evil, the better off this world will be. Feed hungry unbelievers, for sure. But teach them about the true God and who knows what might not happen? Help turn prosperous unbelievers to God, and who knows what might not happen? Just imagine what a difference it would make to the long-suffering citizens of Zimbabwe if Robert Mugabe's eyes opened to see the glory of God and his own wretched state. Give a person a loaf of bread and you feed him for a day; give him knowledge of God, and you make every day better, both for him and for his neighbors.


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