Flowers and flak



Here you will discover what some of our readers think about topics dealt with on this site, or what they think about Dawn to Dusk itself.

What do you think? You are invited to send us your thoughts and ideas. However, we make no guarantee that every letter we receive will be posted here; the decision as to what we post rests entirely with us. We will not reject messages on the grounds that they disagree with our stance, but rude, abusive or accusing letters will not be published. We also assume that if you send us a message, you do not object to our posting it. Naturally, it goes without saying that publishing a comment does not necessarily mean we endorse it.

We reserve the right to omit whatever we consider irrelevant or possibly offensive to other readers. Such omissions will be indicated by a "…" character. You are welcome to include a link to your email address or your web site if you have one. (One URL only per message.) Click on the icon to email us with your message.

Most recent messages are at the top in each section.


What do you think?

Comments on "The Great Brain Robbery"

I think it was a great article-- but here is a question for you:  Theologically speaking, why would God create a world where parasites destroy the capacity of other creatures to "think" properly?  When God "saw that it was good", was he speaking about the things you mention in your article?

Lenny, USA, 6th February, 2006

Ed. Hi, Lenny. Thanks for your comment. You have raised a fascinating question — what constitutes “goodness” in the creation? For some more thoughts, see the blog "Sheep in wolf's clothing".

Comments on "The first six days"

“And the evening and the morning were the first day…and the evening and the morning were the sixth day.” “Thus in six days God created the heavens and the Earth.” One could be forgiven for thinking that the author of Genesis led us to believe that everything was created in six 24 hour days. “He who hears these words of mine and teaches men so will be called great in the kingdom of Heaven .” He who does not will be called least… Somebody somewhere made something out of nothing. He spoke and it was so. When he speaks we should listen… Mount St Helens eruption took place over millions of years. (Carbon dating is a fairly loose “science”. It only proves that there is no past eternity of matter i.e. Somebody somewhere made something out of nothing. God spoke! It may not sell your book but faith will bring you life eternal. Someone put your eye in its socket and your brain in your skull not over millions of years but in a short space of time.) Don't make a fool of yourself and a sham of God's word… The Bible is a documented and diarized account whether you believe it or not. It is therefore admissible evidence in any fair Court that would  compare it to the wild speculation of the “millions of years” school of thought. Have you seen the waves of “science” and panicked?

Barney, Australia, 6th March, 2006

Read your article.  To be honest...I don't buy it.  I guess you would call me an 'old fashion fool', for I believe in the traditional, literal, six days of creation.  I don't feel the need to try and find a common ground with 'science' so called, and the creation account as recorded in God's Word.  I believe the over-whelming evidence actually points to a rapid creation of our world...including the dinosaurs.

Ron, USA, 19th February, 2006

Ed. I respect the high view of Scripture taken by those who espouse belief in a young earth. However, I do not believe that Genesis One had to mean to its original readers what young-earthers today interpret it to mean. Further, Romans 1:20 says that we can learn about the eternal nature of God's power from the creation. How can we learn anything about God's eternity from a universe only thousands of years old? I have started writing a paper on the age of the earth which can be accessed at How old is the earth? It's a work in progress.

… From what I have read so far it is very impressive. I should think you would want to try and have it published. Though I have had some interest in the world that was once was, I have never delved into it that much. I can learn from this writing of yours.

Don, USA, 10th February, 2006

I checked out your site at some length.  Interesting.  You have much more knowledge of the academia of pre history than I.  Allow me to make three points.  1 An almighty creator could take any length of time he wanted to create. 2.  The radioactivitiy in the primordal material God used to fashion Earth is unknown. The changes caused by "Noahs Flood" are unknown.  Therefore the accuracy of much of this dating is unknown…

Kenneth, USA, 6th Febrary, 2006

Ed., Hi, Ken. Without doubt, dating methods are all subject to certain uncertainties. But the total weight of evidence suggests that they are not as flawed as many think. So much evidence in the created order preaches an ancient earth that uncertainties inherent within absolute dating methods do not negate their overall thrust — earth has harbored living things for a very long time. Re Noah's Flood, I for one do not believe that a worldwide flood (which I absolutely do believe in) would have anywhere near the disruptive impact on dating methods that are sometimes supposed.

… I read [The first six days] and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I think people need to realize that the design phase is normally over before the construction phase begins. So the smarter God is, the less intervention we'll see. In other words, the more intelligent the design, the less tweaking it requires. I don't think God ever has occasion to say Oops. As in, "Oops, I forgot about DNA. Let's add that." Or "Oops, I forgot to design the universe so that it would inevitably produce humans. I'd better fix that." I think all those things were part of the original design, and that God simply said, "Let it be" and it was. It says that God rested, but it doesn't say that the universe gelled into final form. God rests even as the creation continues to unfold. In fact, since the act of creation is outside the universe, we cannot empirically discover it. The error in our thinking on both the religious and scientific side is to assume that empiricism produces a complete model of reality. Both expect religious truth to proceed from empiricism. They just have different ways of critiquing the fact that it doesn't. When we make something, we might have to go back to the drawing board, or tweak it, or make adjustments or repairs, or add things we forgot, but I hardly think God needs to do that. Or we might think of creation as making paper dolls. You cut the paper, shake it once, then it unfolds into paper dolls without you making any further cuts. I have gone so far as to say that creationism and "intelligent design" are both variants of the Stupid God theory that says, "God is not smart enough to create the universe in a way that I cannot completely understand."

Ken, USA, 3rd February, 2006

I "speed-read" [The first six days], and found it interesting. God's creation is certainly full of wonders, isn't it? I find those ancient creatures quite fascinating, also the mysteries of geology. It looks like you have certainly researched the subject quite well, and brought out some interesting facts that would seem to befuddle that anti-creationist camp. I'm wondering what their counter-arguments would be if presented with these observations? Have you ever had the opportunity to challenge a good evolutionist scholar on any of these points? Again, I found it interesting but didn't look it over with complete thoroughness, but it is late at night here now and I may go back and look it over more thoroughly when I'm fresh…

John, USA, 31st January, 2006

Comments on "Animal rights and animal sacrifice"

I'm with you!  The times when YHWH says he doesn't want the sacrifices of Israel is because they were backslidden.  The message was always, "get your heart right first".  Read Ps 51 for the perfect picture. We also have Paul making a Nazarite vow in the Book of Acts that required many sacrifices.  The apostles also went to the Temple during the hour of sacrfice.  So the precident is already set. I am so there that for the last 2 years we have gone to keeping Ex. 12 exactly as it says:  kill a lamb in your home, eat with staff in hand.

John, USA, 27th February, 2006

… There is no proof of the 1st century Rabbi's name being Yeshua.  I am a Jew and leave the future to Ha Shem.  Living at this moment in life to do tikunne olam, is more imporatant than sensational disputes that no one really knows about any way.  All that is to distract people from being doers of Ha Shem's Torah, (the Word-D'var)… 

Sonya, USA, 26th February, 2006

Since we do not believe that a third temple will be built in Jerusalem, why would animal sacrifice be a concern?

Tobi, USA, 24th February, 2006

… Regarding animal sacrifice, that is an Old Testament commandment. There are the daily animal sacrifices, during the Sabbath, during Rosh Hodesh, Pesah, Shavuoth, Sukkot, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur. But Jews do not strictly follow everything that is in the Torah anymore. Rosh Hodesh has been made a minor festival now.The Holy Spirit we talk to (tape recorded), who most of us believe to be the spirit of Jesus Christ, did not mention any animal sacrifice. During our sessions with Him, we do not even have any animals to sacrifice. So I believe that it is unnecessary now…

Aristeo, Australia, 23rd February, 2006

… I have very strong opinions on this animal sacrifice issue. First, the book of Ezekiel speaks about the New Temple. I do not feel that animal offerings have ever stopped anyway. Even USDA uses standards that are similar to Koshering. It seems pretty obvious. If we do our Barucha's, before we partake in a meal, especially one with some kind of biblically Kosher meat, then that is also what I would consider similar to an offering. At least to some extent. Isaiah 53 tells me that the Messiah's mission was to bring us back to Torah. Isn't that we all are moving towards by accepting His sacrifice…

Cory, USA, 22nd February, 2006

… Yes I believe that when Yahshua returns the sacrificial system will be re-introduced. However… it will be righteous sacrifices.

Jim, South Africa

Ed. For a paper by Jim that elaborates the comment here, see "Is the Torah still binding on us today?".

We have no problem with the sacrifices in the future Temple. We have a view of it that posses us no problem but we are very familiar with how it is a problem for most. Your letter is so very gracious – you express yourself really well.

D'vorah, The Netherlands

Shalom. I read the article and it really puts one to think. I also entered the site and hope to read the articles with more quality time. I have been taught that with Yeshua's sacrifice the animal offerings in the Temple ended. I really have not put to much thinking on this issue since it has a logical ring to it. Thank you for writing, take care and may the true living G-d bless you and your loved ones in all things you do.

Edgardo, Puerto Rico

Your article is interesting and I wanted to comment that as a christian I don't view the slaughter of animals for sacrifice as being abhorrent. However, at the same time, I believe the time for animal sacrifice stopped the moment Yeshua was sacrificed. As you said in your article, animal sacrifice 'shadow's' Yeshua's life giving sacrifice.. what else could possibly please God after that? If animal sacrifice is reintroduced, as the Jews will no doubt do, it's my belief it's only for their own benefit and not for the glory or kingdom of God. Yes, I believe Yeshua fully endorsed the need for animal sacrifice while He walked the earth, up until His own sacrifice. I believe He sanctioned living by the Torah too and sent many people to the priests after healing them, and walked the Torah perfectly. He did not come to abolish Torah but to 'fulfil' it, same as animal sacrifice, He fulfilled it… Thanks again for… your article, I would have to say I disagree with it though, and I hope one day you will view Messiah's special life changing sacrifice as the ultimate in God's plan, and that nothing else will ever do, or add to it.

Cheza, Australia

Ed. Cheza, I used to think exactly the same way as you, but a long study of many relevant passages, particularly the Epistle to the Hebrews has changed my thinking. You are absolutely right in saying that Jesus' death was the "ultimate in God's plan". But that fact does not render animal sacrifice pointless. For those who believe that Ezekiel's prophecies are yet to be fulfilled — as we at Dawn to Dusk do — the fact of sacrifice during the days of the Messiah has to be taken seriously. Two Dawn to Dusk books deal at length with these vital issues. See the sales brochures at Hebrews: A Fresh Look at an Old Book, and Shadow and Reality.

Comments on "Jesus and ceremonial law"

… on my last visit to the Temple Institute in Jerusalem I was completely convinced that at some point in the future the Temple will have to be reconstructed in order that scriptures be fulfilled. As one who has trusted Christ for redeemption of sin and salvation no other sacrifice is needed. I am not familar with your doctrine but if it requires any other sacrifice for salvation it would be contrary to the teaching of Jesus. May you seek to worship in truth the One who loves you so.

Mitzi, USA, August, 2006

Ed.: Jesus' sacrifice is fully and exclusively sufficient to atone for sin unto salvation. Yet Scripture shows sacrifice to be a legitimate and noble form of worshiping God (Matt. 21:13 and Is. 56:7). Hebrews 9:13 also says that it can in some manner "purify the flesh".

… there is a group in Israel called the Temple Mt Faithful, who have been pushing this idea for years.  Some Christians have bought into it and even helped to fund it.  But the vast majority of Jews—Orthodox, Hassidic, Reform, Liberal, whatever—are in no way interested in the restoration of the Temple.  From a biblical viewpoint, we know that Ezekiel speaks of a Millenial Temple built along specific lines by Messiah during his thousand year reign on earth at the end of the Tribulation.  Prior to that, the false messiah will rebuild the temple and eventually use it for his own purposes.  As this is the next temple in view, I would not think believers would be interested in funding it, worshipping in it, or sacrificing at it—even if they should get the opportunity.

Ruth, United Kingdom, August 2006

Comments on "Circumcision: an outmoded rite?"

Comments on "The oak tree of Shechem"

I very much enjoyed reading your article, The Oak Tree of Shechem, and look forward to reading more of your work.  This story seemed very well researched and challenged my mind with some of it's conclusions.

Jim, USA

Interesting. Since Tamar, Rahab, and Ruth are in the genealogy of Jesus, I doubt that Simeon and Levi could be said to have done the right thing. I don't see where maintaining a pure blood line appears in Scripture. The issue seems to have always been religion rather than ethnicity…

Bob, USA

…You might be interested in an article that was in The July/August 2003 issue of the Biblical Archaeology Review.  Check it out.  I think you will be surprised as to the what they have found through archaeology about the shine at Shechem. The Oracular Oak, or called Spreading Tree in the Bible, was very significant in the formation of early YHVHism.  They have found remnants of this custom in Sudan even to this day.   The Canaanites use to take an old knurled oak tree (in Middle East there is a type of oak that spreads out rather than up like our oak trees) and tie cloth streamers to the bottom branches.  These streamers would hang down from the bottom of the branches.  The wind blowing through the streamers would make a whispering sound that sounded like whispering voices.  The people seeking an oracle would sit below the tree and listen for the voice of their gods.  Abram, needing to get direction from the Lord, came to the Canaanite shine at Shechem in hopes of getting a word from the Lord.  He sat below the tree, probably for a fee given to the local Canaanite priesthood at the Shechem temple complex (the tree of oracle was in great demand among the local Canaanites), and received a word from the Lord (Gen. 12:7).  In thanksgiving for the word from the Lord, he commissioned the Canaanites to build a new altar to El (Abram was a very wealthy man) on the temple campus next to the grove of trees in which the oracular oak was the center piece.  The later deutero-editor tries to excuse Abram's syncretism of using pagan custom to worship God by saying that at the time the pagan Canaanites had control of the land (verse 6).  Later this form of oracle became illegal (Deut. 12:2; Isaiah 57:5; Jer. 2:20; Ezek. 6:13) under the deutero-reforms of the later kings of Judah.  As you bring out in your article many of the early covenantal events in the life of ancient Israel had a connection to the Canaanite shrine at Shechem.  One wonders if part of the reason for the rebellion of the northern tribes was about wanting to keep the old Canaanite customs as oppose to the deutero-reforms of Judah.

Pastor David, USA

Ed. Pastor Dave raises a question of importance. Would Abraham have used pagain customs to worship God? What do you think? Please let us know.

Comments on "When the saints have marched in"

…personally I am convinced that because of what Christ accomplished by His death and resurrection, through the power in the blood of His cross, all fallen creatures everywhere will eventually experience "an eternity of bliss and joy in the company of one huge immortal family of loved ones.

Rodger, Canada

Comments on "The coral model of church governance"

I think the article is a great thing. I think you are going to have a difficult time selling the idea that there is a difference in practice between authority and control. The very fact that the central "authority" can enforce agreed-upon rules means control.

Mark, USA

Comments on "UFOs, extraterrestrial life and the Bible"

… I do believe that UFOs have a spiritual connection and that they'll play a part in the End Time deception…

Jake, Canada, 13th February, 2006

Comments on "Monkey business in the Garden of Eden"

Do we have to rehash old arguments? I also understand that we might have some scientists on our side?

Ned, Canada

If you want to tell the truth about how the earth is being created I think you have done a very good job!… I think the answer is: what is your purpose with it? To tell the truth and help people to make up their mind, then I think it is good! But if you want to bring people closer to God, I do not know if this is the best way…

Catharina, The Netherlands

I thought your exposé was funny and entertaining but it is more suited to Christians who want to have a laugh and I guess it could help us be stronger in our beliefs.  I know my friends who are not Christians wouldn't like it.  I don't think it would help them.  They are in need of reasoned and logical questions and arguments without the sarcasm.  Maybe some people would be helped by it but I think it would more than likely just get them angry.   As Christians I think we really need to be out there getting into understanding the way people think - I have a lot of friends who are not Christians - only found them in the last 12 years - prior to this I had few to none - my life revolved around the church and fellow believers.  Now working 5 days a week in a cloistered environment I am very grateful that I have found them in a community organisation - but I need not to laugh at them or what they think - I need to take them seriously and respect them. I wouldn't like to see my grand children becoming so scornful - I have already detected this in one of them - unfortunately that attitude is interpreted as them having been brain washed.  I want them to grow up to be gracious and accepting of other people.  I want them to understand why other people think and believe as they do.

Helen, WA, Australia

Ed. Thank you, Helen, for your comment. I agree with you wholeheartedly. Scorning the views of others rarely helps. Christians ought to show respect for the sincere beliefs of others (including those of other Christians with whom we have serious doctrinal disagreement). Who knows? They may be right! My first reaction was to remove "Monkey Business" from the site. After some thought, I have decided to add a disclaimer to the top of the article and leave it up. If you are interested in my reasoning, please check "Should Christians ever mock others' beliefs"?

I enjoyed "Monkey Business". It would make a very good short play for a youth group or in a service. Could that be done or do we need to connect with you due to copyright laws?

Rabbi Michael, USA

Ed. Feel free to use "Monkey Business" as a skit or the basis of a skit in any context. We would be more than happy to receive any ideas you have for improving on it.

Interesting parody… There are a lot of challenges coming up in the courts on this issue for and against. If in fact any court rules on the positive use of creation the victory will be short lived. I truly believe that chapter is already written. It will be one more opportunity for the those in this country who do not want a creator given credit for their existence, to inflict their unrighteousness on the rest of us. They are very arrogant and want their views to dominate all others. They in fact are the center of their universe and thus find it hard to believe that we (those of us who have the faith to understand that in fact the universe was created from nothing by God) don't recognize them as the source of all knowledge and creative ability. The inevitable outcome of this in this country is obvious. It further divides the country in two setting it up for a massive fall. The positive point is that those who truly do believe will strengthen in their resolve and stand out all the more.

Brian, NY, USA

Just read in the Orange County Register (Southern California), concerning evolution that some of these gentlemen feel that Christians should be put in cages, in zoos, further stating that the problem is their faith. Indeed these are interesting times we find ourselves in.

John, CA, USA

Thanks for… your "Monkey Business" spoof. It was very witty and quite effective in pointing out the ridiculous nature of modern science's "logic." As Aldous Huxley says, paraphrasing, "We rejected God because we wanted to be free to pursue our own morality." Rather than science being a objective pursuit of truth, it has become a means of rationalizing immoral or amoral behavior. Another way to put it is that it is a thinly veiled rebellion against God. Thanks again. Keep up the good work! I will be sure to send correspondants to your site when the question of Creation vs. Evolution arises.

Richard, NC, USA

Ed. How ironic that one of the most powerful insights into the mind and greatness of God — the Creation (Rom. 1:20) — is so often used as "proof" of "no-God".

I have been hurt by so-called Christians who tarnished the Name of Christ our Lord.. I am so glad that there are great Christians out there who genuinely loves HIM and is willing to share the Gospel in whichever way they can… God Almighty created us for a purpose that we worship him till the end of Time. Never never forget that we are His children.

Joseph, Malaysia

There is no doubt our countries are hell bent on turning our backs on God and anything that even looks the slightest bit like religion. Nevertheless, for those that endevour to understand, knowledge is there and available for the open minded. It certainly did all start in the Garden of Eden and from that point mankind lost it's authority over God's creation to the present god of this world… Thanks again for your interesting info.

Colin, New Zealand

Comments on "It is necessarily so"

This is a well-written piece…

Michael, USA, 9th February, 2006

Your website looks very interesting, I plan to spend some time reading thru it all, as I do indeed take the Bible literally as far as I am able to understand it.  My view is that the Bible  should be read as it reads,  without applying tradition or dogma to the rendition…

Margaret, Bermuda, 7th February, 2006

Comments on "The days of creation"

I've read through the briefer version of your paper. I takes me back to the days when I was interesting in the creation bit in Genesis and spent some time reading and going to lectures on these things… This is poetry and I think it's a good idea to consider what the intention of the author might have been. Whenever Moses (or whoever) put this together it's generally considered that the aim was to proclaim the greatness of Israel's God over other God's. He creates by his word. He speaks and it happens. It is simply not interested in specific historical/ creative events or their order - which may or may not be accurate. However having said that I have always believed in a young earth. It makes sense to me when I put all my (limited) reading and thinking about this topic together. I jiust believe that God spoke and it happened some 10000 yrs or so ago - perhaps in a micro second - and I've not read anything that has challenged this - despite the fact that most people I know look at me as if I'm mad when I say this. But as for Genesis, it's just not interested in specific detail. This was never it's intention and I always think that people should concentrate on the Gospel about Jesus' death and resurrection and the need to deal with the sin that Genesis talks about rather than concern themselves too much with (I'm afraid I would say) distracting arguments that rarely convince anyone. I've become more ambivalent on these things over the years. I tend to feel that once someone has repented and trusted in Jesus then they will work out what they think about Genesis and it's literalness and what they conclude - about evolution or special creation - and how to they see the details - will be just fine by me.

Phil, Australia, 31st July, 2006

… As a trained biological scientist, theologian and ancient historian, I would make the following comments. All to often the often heated debate over Genesis 1 and its intended meaning is a pointless exercise that ignores the basic teachings of the text.   Without going into undue detail, we need to remember that firstly Genesis 1 is not a scientific treatise, but an explanation by God and written by Moses in about 1450BC to His people concerning the origins of the physical world and the human race.  Further we need to remember that it was written in the language of the people of that time, of which we have but copies of copies of copies, though shown to be remarkably unchanged down through the millenia are in a language known to relatively few in the Church as a whole.  The purpose of Genesis 1 is to reveal who created?: ie God; what was created?: ie the Universe and mankind; why all was created?; for God's glory The questions of when? and how? are simplistically, "In the Beginning, and by the power of God's Word".  Science is man's appropriate and God inspired response to seek deeper and more detailed answers to the How and When arguments.  Science cannot answer Who or even Why and it is arguable whether it will ever be able to give a final definitive answer to when or how… PS. A good Article, especially the longer version.

Rev. Peter, Australia, 12th July, 2006

Personally, I am a happy young earth six-day creationist, and not persuaded otherwise by reading your article, and not wishing to debate the issue or to try to persuade you to agree with me. I just wanted to take up one point from your short article, and that is the last sentence, ‘In sum, the uncertainty as to the definite meaning of yom in Genesis One and the true intent of the evening-morning formula give us good reason to look to the evidence from nature itself to help break the impasse. The problem with this procedure is that nature can reveal nothing about how it was created (only that it was created), because what we see in nature is God's providential governing and preservation of his creation, not his creative work. Creation was a miraculous activity of God while in providence and preservation he works in ways that are non-miraculous. Christians have always recognized this difference – compare for example the Shorter Catechism's answer to the questions, ‘what is the work of creation,'– Ans: The work of creation is God's making all things of nothing by the word of his power in the space of six days and all very good.' and ‘what are God's works of providence.' – Ans: Gods works of providence are his holy, wise, and powerful preserving and governing all his creatures and all their actions.' Trying to solve how God created or how long it took by examining nature is akin to trying to work out how Jesus healed a leper by examining his newly healed skin, for we can't examine God's creative process, or decide how long it took, any more than we would be able to decide how Jesus healed the leper, or how long it took, by medical examination, for what we see when we look at nature is not creative acts, but God's care of what he has already created.

Peter, Australia, 10th July, 2006

I have read [The Days of creation] and have seen all these arguments before.  Both young and old earth Christians rob themselves of the treasures revealed by God about himself and the world that are in Genesis 1 & 2  when they focus on the argument of the age of the earth. I am not an astronomer nor a geologist, therefore, I have to take on faith anything these men say.  Men tend to call something science (which merely means knowledge) and this seems to make it infallible.  Yet "science" is changing all the time.  Therefore I am cautious about being too dogmatic about "scientific facts" when most of these are conclusions drawn from, or "proved" mathematically from within a cultural framework that believes we have or can attain to all knowledge. Young earth or old earth, isn't the question.  The question that has to be faced by all is "Is Jesus of Nazareth, Lord and Saviour?"  Their answer to this question and not the age of the earth will determine their eternal destiny.  Many men of the 18th and 19th Century were God fearers who would have believed in a 6 day creation but these men were in no way Christian.

Phil, Australia, 8th July, 2006

Just received my Feb. 28, 2006 The Journal, and was pleased to find a reference to you and your website on the back page, and the hint that you were an ancient earth creationist. I checked out your website and was pleased to find out that you are! I feel like a rare bird as an ancient earth/universe creationist among so many that are either young earth creationists, or don't care one way or another… Young earth creationism sounds very plausible from reading books like The Deluge Story in Stone and The Genesis Flood coauthored by the recently deceased Henry Morris… Plausible until one starts checking what they say against the real world… I went on to get a Masters Degree in Geology from UCLA and work for the US Geological Survey, and no one ever asked my views on creationism and evolution. It just was not an issue… I thank you for being one who is able to put together the physical and written records without doing violence to either.

Robert, USA, 20th April, 2006

…You must remember that men like Professor Eric Magnusson and his counterpart at UCLA are far better qualified to speak on these matters than most. The Bible says so little on creation but mountains on re-birth and re-creation. That is where the focus of the Christian should be and certainly not on speculation.

Ken, Australia, 27th March, 2006

…I do not know when God created the heavens and the earth, but one thing I do know for sure is that God is not a Liar. God says exactly what he means. He doesn't say one thing and mean another. He could have easily said; It was evening and then it was a million years and then  morning, and it was the first day. Is God playing games with us??? He could have repeated that 6 times and then say he rested on the 7 millionth year. Could you picture God saying that?? He explained in plain language that everyone could understand in simple terms (not everyone is a great  scholar) how he created the heavens and the earth and everything in it. He spoke it into existance. It was also meant for the simple unlearned folk to be able to understand. How we like to read into things and complicate the simplest of statements!!!!…

Joy, Australia, 20th March, 2006

Comments on "Christians and the law"

I thought it was well done.  It hits on all the major arguments people have against God's laws…

Jeffrey, USA, 7th March, 2006

Indeed it is very important about having the Torah in a beleivers life.  This is part of the message Bishop Dominiquae takes to the Nations.  Her 3rd book Grafted In talks about applying the Torah to your life.  The church will be greatly blessed as they take on the Torah and discover their Jewish Roots.

Karen, Israel, 5th March, 2006

…At present I am trying to explain the Torah for Christians truth to a web forum and the venom is ,,,, well not unexpected. My wife and I have been Torah "desiring" for a little over three years…

Raymond, USA, 4th March, 2006

It is very gratifying to find other believers who believe and teach as we do.  We are definitely on the same page but with different terminology.  I do believe that HaShem's final result, Yeshua's approach to Torah, will include a much stronger stance on "The Israel of God."  After all, Yeshua is the Jewish Messiah, and as he said, "salvation is of the Jews."  If you haven't already read it, I recommend Dr. Daniel Gruber's book, The Separation of Church and Faith, Volume I, Copernicus and the Jews.  We in our congregation are not yet quite sure as to our role with the "church." I will probably purchase a few of your books for sale in our… shop for outreach when your website becomes ready for sales.  Will you have a discount for resale?

Robert, USA, 24th February, 2006

Ed., Thanks, Robert, for your positive comments. Yes, indeed, salvation is "of the Jews". (See the Dawn to Dusk book "Shechem to Calvary: the Story of the Covenants", for more on this amazing saying of Jesus.) And although we are not yet set up for online ordering and payments, ordering a book is only an email away. And yes, we will gladly provide a discount for anybody who wishes to resell our books.

Go My Brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are right on target---keep up the good work.

Rabbi Dr. David, USA, 22nd February, 2006

… I have done my own study and are happy for you to review it and correct me if you feel I have overlooked any issues. How I look at at being corrected is - I don't know everything and have nothing to lose if I am wrong so I'm happy to be corrected by solid Scriptural arguments. It is hard for me to fit into any group as it is. I've been wrong before and as I don't claim special revelation or a superior relationship to God than any other people I'm willing to change and follow truth.

Greg, Australia, 19th February, 2006

Ed. What an inspiring approach, Greg. We would like to believe that we have the same attitude. We at Dawn to Dusk do not believe we have any special revelation or commission from God. We are fired by the desire to share with others what we believe Scripture teaches, and that is all.

… I agree with it 98%. Are you the author? Interesting conversation with "Martin". It takes the Spirit of Messiah within us to help us refrain from responding carnally to such a person.

John, USA, 13th February, 2006

Ed. Unless otherwise stated, all articles on the Dawn to Dusk website are by either Rod McQueen or Martha McQueen

There is much to comment on. I am not ambitious enough to tackle everything and besides, I do concur that we are to live by scripture -- all scripture. Those that proclaim "grace" frees us from the law ignore much scripture. Translation causes loss for us many times. "Scholars" use religious words such as "grace" to teach what they believe. The word grace could easily be removed and a tremendous amount of confusion would be eliminated. You have proved that point…

Neal, USA, 10th February, 2006

… The problem with the article is understanding the difference between The Law in The Letter and God writing His Law in our hearts and minds. Read my new book coming out in March 2006 and get the answer.

Art, USA, 8th February, 2006

…Your article about Christians needing to keep the law is not exactly how I see things today…

Bruce, UK, 7th February, 2006

Just read [Christians and the law]. It expresses where I stand before both God and His Law. Committed to obey, but human and frail like Nickos, not yet perfect!! I like your turn of phrase and summarily dunking the erroneous premises of Dunn, Bruce, Colwell and others…

Lyall, New Zealand, 7th February, 2006

That was indeed a very good article.  Makes the whole question/idea pretty easy to understand.  I'll refer some new believers to that article…

Jason, USA, 6th February, 2006

Shalom Rod, I had a look at your article and found it to be excellent. I believe it is about time, that believers in Yeshua (Christians and Messianic Jews) realise that He did not come to abolish the law, but to show us how to keep it with a Spiritual intent.

Jim, South Africa

Comments on "Was Jesus God?"

… I studied the Nature of Christ issue for several years.  I finally (and this is really making a long story short) came to the conclusion that there could only be ONE eternal being - not two.  He alone was once alone.  Trying to get the Son of God to be God the Son and having both Father and Son be the same "God" is a little too metaphysical for my mind.  However, you posed a point that I think has extreme ramifications that I have not heard anywhere else.  It may cause some rethinking…

Robin, USA, 13th July, 2006

I did successfully download your article "Is Jesus God?" and re-formatted the text into a Word Document for easier reading. It stretched out to 13 pages, which I find very interesting indeed. Firstly, as far as I'm concerned, your case puts an end to the Unitarian proposition… regarding the "origin" of Jesus Christ. I also knew of the belief of "Jehovah's Witnesses", that Jesus was "created" and had to reject that, but had little biblical "proof" to disprove it. Your article gives me much to think about.

Roger, Australia

Miscellaneous comments

…I'm in the process of writting a similar book myself. I'm a Gentile trying to show a Gentile Church world that Ezekiel shows that there will be animal sacrifice in the Millennial temple too. So good luck with your Shadow and Reality

Darlene, USA, 20th March, 2006

… great, great, great. Love what you wrote about tolerating opposing views.

Gordon, USA, 7th March, 2006

… I just finished taking an initial quick tour of [your site]... it looks good. I do like the approach you are taking regarding the inerrancy of Scripture (i.e. genre, idiom, etc.). God willing, I'll set aside some time again soon to take a closer look at this article and the rest of your site. Until then, thank you again, and may God be blessing you, my brother.

Brian, USA, 7th March

Your website address was passed on to me. I have been browsing your site and reading with interest about your soon to be released books. I am especially interested to know what visual content (photographs, diagrams, artwork) they may have--in particular, "Wild Kingdoms". The sample of the written content has some fascinating facts and I am hoping the visuals are equally captivating. There are not really any samples of this on the website, so I am just wonderimg about it.

Rosalie, Australia, 19th February, 2006

Ed. Samples of the kind of pcitures we will include in this book (depending on permission) can be found in various articles on creation that can be accessed at the "Seeing God Index".

… You have some very good things on your web site.

Lenny, USA, 8th Feb, 2006

…I've already bookmarked your site, plan to read through a variety of materials, and will likely stop by on occasion to see what's new. BTW, the site is organized very nicely and the writing is very approachable. You and Martha have done a nice job.

Pam, USA, 6th February, 2006

I really like your site. I particularly enjoyed your Dialogue with Martin the Lutheran.

Sam, Canada

Ed. The "Dialogue" Sam speaks of is found at Martin the Lutheran.

That floating menu on the left of your web page is a galacticly hugh irritation... unload it.

C. E. W.

Ed. Thanks, CEW. Anybody else got a comment on this? I thought it was such a great idea.

I checked out your website, and appreciate your mission at Dawn to Dusk.  I hope you're making some contact and inroads in the secular community.  Thanx for being willing to tackle the apologetic challenge of connecting with postmoderns.  Jesus' best to you both in your shared ministry.

Dwight, USA

I agree with your thesis about the Glory of the Lord; however if I could add that in conjunction with this the Christian Church has forgotten about the fear of the Lord. I believe for too long we have been told that to fear God is to reverence Him; however it was the Apostle Paul himself who said that it was because of the “Terror of the Lord” he persuaded men! Why should we fear He who saved our souls? He is coming in judgment. The apostle John, closest to the bosom of Christ while He was on earth, fell at His feet as dead when He saw the glorified Lord – whose eyes were as a flame of fire! It's as if we as Christians have put to one side that this age of grace is soon to close and the three groups as defined by 1 Cor.10: 32 will enter into the age of judgment. We before the Bema seat and the world of unsaved through great tribulation. Christians have also been guilty of reductionism in the area of faith in defining faith as mere trust in God whereas true biblical faith transposes to living; thus the evidence of true biblical faith is our works. Interestingly enough neither the saved nor unsaved are judged according to their faith but both are judged according to their works. All this has impact on your thesis – perhaps something to think on for your next book? I would be pleased to meet you sometime – but in the mean time It would be nice to know a little of yourself and also the price of your book.

Wayne, Australia




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