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15th June, 2009

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Wolf in sheep's clothing vs sheep in wolf's clothing

Which is better: a wolf in sheep's clothing or a sheep in wolf's clothing? Which would you prefer: To drink hemlock out of a flute from the Queen's collection or filthy water from a human skull with rats carved into it by an imaginative netsuke artist? You'd probably prefer to do neither, but if you were compelled to make a choice, I suspect I know which you would pick.

Modern atheistic evolutionism is a poison to the human soul; it teaches that an ageless dot of infinite density suddenly inflated ("exploded") and by sheer good luck for us human beings its matter and energy gradually organized themselves into the spectacular universe we know today. Without any supernatural inputs, some of the elements synthesized then expelled by a group of stars in our neighborhood coalesced into a rocky planet which somehow gained itself a mantle of water. By entirely "natural" means, some of those elements reacted chemically to produce a mass of pre-living molecules which somehow arranged themselves in such a way as to produce a truly living set of molecules which by sheer good fortune performed a marvelous magic trick - producing more of themselves. These tiny bags then gradually spawned bigger and more complex sacks of living matter which in turn churned out creatures with legs and heads and organs of digestion and circulation and excretion. By sheer good fortune, one of these creatures went blip and got smart. It then produced ever more brainier children and grandchildren until. bingo. here we are. God? A relic of ancient moronic thought.

Trouble is, this poisonous claptrap is dressed up in the loveliest, the richest, the most elaborate of costumes - intricate cosmological theories, talk of cosmic microwave backgrounds, nucleosynthesis, biosynthesis, mutation, genotype and phenotype, phylogenetic analysis and cladistics, parsimony and bootstrap, natural selection, continental drift and genetic isolation, and on and on it goes.

By the opposite token, ancient civilizations almost universally acknowledged the need for supernatural input in making the world we live in. But, boy oh boy, did they dress up this core truism in the filthiest of garments imaginable

- pantheons of blood-thirsty, sex-crazed gods at each other's throats, cracking each other's skulls, splitting open their opponents' bellies and drawing out their innards to form mountains and rivers, lakes and oceans. We humans are the result of bizarre forms of promiscuity or of an ingenious use of enemies' blood. The ancients were not morons; they knew that such stories were sheer claptrap. Why they concocted such monstrous myths remains an open question; perhaps, as sinners, they sought to distance themselves from the reality of one awesome God who held them accountable for their actions. But they did, at least, acknowledge their dependence upon "higher powers" for their very existence. Polluted water, indeed, but a lot better than hemlock.

So, if one rejects the grotesque garb of ancient myth and the mythical content of modern humanism, where can one go to find truth in attractive dress? To find a sheep in sheep's clothing? Moses, that's where!

Contra ancient myths, in none of which do we find "the conception of creation ex nihilo" and in all of which "creation is the act of bringing order out of an original state of chaos",1 Moses' account plainly agrees with an absolute fact established by sound science - the material world once did not exist. The true explanation for the existence of our world absolutely requires a moment of creation ex nihilo - from nothing. Contra the patent nonsense of ancient myths, Genesis contains neither the slightest hint of macabre methods of creation, such as fashioning the sky from one half of a vanquished foe's body, nor of promiscuity in heavenly places. Genesis oozes rationality.

Contra the modern no-God delusion, Moses gives the credit to whom it belongs - not to some unstable pinprick of infinite density containing within it, luckily for us, a blueprint of staggering genius, but to the One True God who made heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them, and who was willing to enter flesh and experience death to atone for human sinfulness. In conformity with the facts of paleontology, Moses spoke of creation by stages, with different forms arriving on the scene at different moments through time. Genesis stands vindicated in both substance and form; it contains truth in scientifically-acceptable dress.

1S. H. Hooke, Middle Eastern Mythology , p. 23

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